Barack Obama's Politics-how are they related to Argentina?
This is a quote from the Wall Street Journal:
Americans reading that laundry list may note that it sounds a lot like the mindset of the left wing that will dominate the Democratic Party's convention and choose Barack Obama as its candidate in August. From nationalized health care and government-owned refineries to punishing taxes on the rich, Argentina has been there, done that. There are good reasons to find the resemblance disturbing.Read the FULL ARTICLE
We're in debt up to our eyeballs. Obama wants to go into Afghanistan with more troops while pulling them out of Iraq. That will not be any LESS expensive.
His energy plan? I love this quote from
"Obama’s energy plan, highlighted proudly on his website and taunted as the answer to accusations that he is all dreams and no details, is essentially the energy equivalent of the old joke about how a socialist regime creates 100% employment – they pay everyone to dig holes, then pay everyone to fill holes."
His facts on energy:
1) No new development of American Oil (no new drilling here)
2) Create millions of jobs in alternative energies. How? Spend billions and billions of dollars creating them? How? Taxes. Making new money. Rob Peter to pay Paul. Create money to pay Paul. Kill the dollar.
3) Ironically, he wants to create cool new energy to sell abroad (justifying the billions of dollars), but then in the next breath we should give it away as a global handshake to stop global warming. Which is it?
4) Ever wonder what his "market-based" solutions are? Read THIS ARTICLE
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