DON'T READ THIS! I challenge you NOT TO READ THIS! Because I know you don't want to hear it; no one wants to hear the truth once they've made a decision.
Does it really NOT matter that:
1. Barack Obama's "coming out" party for politics was hosted by Ayers, a terrorist? A terrorist who said, "I don't regret setting bombs; I feel we didn't do enough." In HIS OWN country. To which Obama responded that he just "lived in the same neighborhood" and yet he served on two non-profit boards with him? He's a Harvard Educated lawyer and didn't know who the man is?
2. Barack Obama sat in the pews of a church of a racist man for 20 years --a man who not only believes, but preaches that there's a conspiracy against the black race. AIDS? The government gave it to black people. First he lied and said he didn't know anything about it. Then he said he had, but just didn't subscribe to that point of view. So either his principles are too weak to leave a church that spews hate, or he subscribes to it. Fox News Interview Which is it? Michelle Obama dismissed it as just "typical of a black church" in a "move on" sort of way. And yet, not all black leaders support that idealism. Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson has spoken out many times, including during Hurricane Katrina. He's not very popular with the far left because, frankly, he believes in his country and in personal responsiblity.
This hardly reflects on Barack Obama as a "candidate for all."
Here is a quote from Cone's book that Rev. Wright follows:
"Black theology refuses to accept a God who is not identified totally with the goals of the black community. If God is not for us and against white people, then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him. The task of black theology is to kill Gods who do not belong to the black community ... Black theology will accept only the love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy. What we need is the divine love as expressed in Black Power, which is the power of black people to destroy their oppressors here and now by any means at their disposal. Unless God is participating in this holy activity, we must reject his love." - "Divine Racism: The Unacknowledged Threshold Issue for Black Theology", in African-American Religious Thought: An Anthology, by William R Jones, ed Cornel West and Eddie Glaube (Westminster John Knox Press)."
3. He wants sex education in kindergarten. Yep, everyone keeps claiming he only said it in reference to being AGE much is appropriate for a 5 year old? See THIS video. You think Social Services is crazy now? This "education" means fishing for signs that your children have been molested or abused. Have you ever questioned a 5 year old? Don't be surprised when Social Services ends up at your front door because your 5 and 3 year old played doctor.
4. Louis Farrakhan supports Barack Obama. In THIS video, he waivers back and forth on calling him the messiah. Does this mean than Barack is aligned with Farrakhan? No! But one has to wonder what it means when he shows such staunch support for Obama.
"Brothers and sisters, Barack Obama to me, is a herald of the Messiah. Barack Obama is like the trumpet that alerts you something new, something better is on the way."
5. Michelle Obama-yes, she needs to be included. She's a hypocrite.
"When Michelle exhorts young people to turn down the profit system and do something meaningful with their lives, apparently this is not the example she means to convey. " citation
The hospital in which she works (as the Vice President for External Affairs) is converting to private patients from Medicaid, so much so that an indigent man died from not getting treatment. "They questioned why the wife of a committed Democrat would work for a hospital that has been accused of ruthless greed.
"Michelle's image was further tarnished in May 2006, when it was revealed that the centre - despite earning some £50million a year - had refused to treat a man who could not afford to pay his bill. He died." citation
She touts herself as the candidate's wife for all the people and yet her greed and desire for wealth are so blatantly obvious above any of her other goals.
added 10/28/08 5. Obama worked with--and toasted at a farewell party--terrorist Rashid Khalidi.
"The co-founder of the Arab group in question, Columbia University professor Rashid Khalidi, also has held a fundraiser for Obama. Khalidi is a harsh critic of Israel, has made statements supportive of Palestinian terror and reportedly has worked on behalf of the Palestine Liberation Organization while it was involved in anti-Western terrorism and was labeled by the State Department as a terror group." FULL ARTICLE
Is it really NOT important who people align themselves with? Really?
My friend, you would not be my friend if you made racist comments about ANYONE, anywhere, anytime. I don't blame anyone else for my station in life; I choose what I do, the education I get, how hard I work for it. I care about my country.
Hey I found your blog on BATW. I am so thankful that someone posted something like this on your blog. It scares me to think that this man has a very real possibility of being the leader of our country. He is leading in the polls and that scares me. It seems that people are so eager for a cahnge, so eager not to havea Republican in the White House because of their detest for Buch that they are willing to accept any Democratic nominee. I can't believe this man won the democratic nominee ticket. Are people so eager to have an black man as president that they are willing to look past who that man really is?
Sorry, I just agree with you, lol. Also as a mother of a young child, the sex education in kindergarten scares me.
I agree it is very important to know the hard core facts about the canidates. Just wondering have looked into the facts about them both or just Obama? Neither canidate has led truly rightous life. As a non-affiliated voter, I've been trying to weigh the pros and cons. Its hard to find the real facts and not just segments used to mislead. But kudos to you for posting this. Not a lot of people are willing to step out there with their views! ~Reneca
Yes, I've researched both. There are some things about McCain that bother me, but I've yet to find a candidate I truly love ;) For instance, he is married to his second wife as a result on an affair with his first wife. There are times he's not completely honest about things...misleading. Just as with Clinton--who I did support--there are some things I'm wary of.
With Obama, I am truly frightened of what will result in our country. It's is proven that just handouts don't work--and I believe in "teach a man to fish" instead of handing a man a fish. Obama's campaign is centered on handouts supported by those who work hard for them. That and his alignment with terrorists and Black Liberation, I wonder what his true view of our country really is. Not to mention his comment that we should change the constitution.
With McCain, I know he is a patriot that will do anything for his country. I know he believes in the USA.
Thanks for reading mommylounge! I always welcome more input, I really appreciate it.
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